All the Goodies that Come with Your Account...!!
- Save 25% on product
- Get a 12-month wholesale customer account ($35 value) for FREE, included with Starter kit purchase!
- No monthly obligation or selling required
with your Account, Comes Customized Care… GET CONNECTED & LEARN
- 30 minutes FREE wellness consult for every new member
- Weekly and monthly online education about Essential Oils with a Chinese Medicine twist
- Access to private groups on/off social media, where there is deeper, more personalized education!
- Strong community support
- Access to Local and Online Education Events
Thank you for using the links below or for using my Referral ID #563232. Your order should arrive within 3-5 business days!
Wholesale Customer: Save 25% on product. Get a 12-month wholesale customer membership ($35 value) for FREE, included in Starter kit purchase!
Want to Partner with Me? Over time, after people have these essential oils in their homes, they truly begin to understand the life-changing value and empowerment this plant medicine provides. Often times, they can’t help but share with their friends and family! If you already know this is you, then you can make an income doing this!
Would you like to
- Get your monthly oils paid for?
- Earn supplemental income?
- Grow towards Financial Freedom?
Key to my mission, is helping others to understand that the connection and alignment of the body, mind, and spirit is absolutely necessary towards creating and sustaining a healthy and vital life. Through this lifestyle, we can work together to help connect and guide others on their journeys towards optimal health and wellness, using natural health-care solutions.
JOIN my Business Building Team and You’ll Receive:
- Full Business Training: We will meet you where you’re at and help you grow, all at the same time!
- Weekly and monthly online education about Essential Oils with a Chinese Medicine twist
- Access to private groups on/off social media, where there is deeper, more personalized education towards personal and professional development
- Strong community support for both personal and professional development
- Access to Local and Online Education Events, both personally and professionally.
Still not sure about something and have a question before joining the team?
Feel free to schedule a 15 minute consult