Do Any of These Sound like You?

  • You want to empowerment with your health, but feel all-too-reliant upon the “experts”…

  • “Natural Health and Wellness” seems overwhelming & unattainable…

  • Your chronic pain or recurrent health issue/s keep you from reaching your empowered vision of health and wellness…

  • You’re curious about Chinese Medicine, Herbs, Essential Oils, and Natural Living; You wonder how they can benefit you and your loved ones….

  • You are seasoned in natural health-care solutions, and need/want more guidance, support and coaching…

  • It’s all new!! You live a Standard American lifestyle; are sick of the consequences, and are READY for a change….

Welcome to BareFoot Medicine Prep School

What is Barefoot Medicine? It started back in China, during the 30s-40’s, when there was a deep need for medical and health care reform for the mass rural population who didn’t have access to quality and consistent medical care, due to their living location. As a result, Mao Zedong, trained thousands of farmers in basic medical care, so that these ‘barefoot doctors’ can work within the communities to meet basic medical needs!! They were considered ‘barefoot doctors’, because they were farmers, who worked in the fields and rice patties, while also being a community doctor. In the late 60s, this grassroots effort became a national policy! Health for the masses! So far, millions of barefoot doctors have been trained!

I want to help be a bridge for people, between natural traditions and modern daily living. The education is designed to help people connect and reconnect to the body’s incredible healing capabilities, while helping you learn how to implement simple, at home, daily strategies.

What YOu Can Expect

Online TeleHealth Sessions will enable us to start your health and wellness journey with a clear plan of action, created by the both of us, to help you achieve optimal success!  We will be incorporating Chinese Medicine and other natural wellness tools to address your whole-self, helping to empower you on your journey towards optimal health and well-being.

Digital Health Coaching

  • You will learn individualized natural and sustainable health-care solutions for your wellness concerns and goals.
  • You will be an active participant towards your daily health and wellness.
  • You’ll get answers! To any questions or concerns you may have regarding your experience or health strategy.


We’ll connect virtually and remotely for your sessions! We will develop a whole wellness strategy tailored to your individual needs using a variety of natural-health modalities and techniques. Refer to the Menu of Options below.

Where Do I Start?

1:1 Monthly Coaching or Individualized Sessions?

1:1 Monthly Coaching

Choose from a variety of Health & Wellness themes! We will spend 4 weeks learning in-depth natural health-care solutions towards this topic of choice.

Let's Get Started

After your purchase is completed for your program, we'll get connected and choose your initial start date! Make sure you can set aside 4 weeks in a row!
Tele-Health sessions are 1x week for 1.5 hours (90 min).

Choose From The Menu of Options


  • Tired and exhausted from holding it all together?
  • Spread thin managing family, career, and extra-curricular relationships and activities? (If you even have time for extra-curricular anything!!)

Learn how Asian/Chinese Medicine can help improve the quality of your everyday life!

Show up for yourself and others, using natural health-care solutions, in order to balance life’s daily stressors and living!


Because women have a monthly cycle, we lose our sustenance and blood every month! When we are imbalanced and not taking care to replenish and nourish, it drives us deeper into deficit of body, mind, and spirit!

Learn about Women’s health through the lens of Asian/Chinese Medicine!!

We’ll explore natural health-care solutions for common female issues, from hormones and mood swings to hair loss, fatigue, hot flashes, cold spells, and burnout!


  • Balanced digestion is core for all foundational health!
  • Health begins in the gut!
  • You will learn the basics of Eastern Nutrition, your specific body constitution and about the foods that help you thrive!
  • Let’s dive through a spectrum of different foods, drinks, and wellness product!


Healthy from the Inside Out!

We’ll explore the amazing organ systems responsible for creating and sustaining our everyday health and wellness, from the perspective of Asian/Chinese Medicine!


  • Still using those synthetic, toxic plug-ins to make your house smell good or using your countertop spray full of chemicals you can’t even pronounce?
  • Did you know that the air quality in a closed house is severely toxic to your health, due to chemical off-gassing?

Let’s move away from harmful household products, and instead, create mindful cleaning products from all natural ingredients!!

  • Did you know that nearly 900 of the chemicals used in cosmetics are toxic??
  • Nearly 5 pounds of cosmetics are absorbed by our bodies every year and it takes roughly 26 seconds for cosmetics to be absorbed into the bloodstream!

Vibrant skin comes from being balanced from the inside out – let’s pay attention to what we put into and onto our bodies!! Your skin is the largest organ!! Let’s identify ways to make your skin and body care regimen non-toxic and thriving, to create a skin-healthy ecosystem from the inside out!.


  • Constantly under the weather? Can’t ever quite ‘kick’ whatever it is that’s been lingering?
  • Suffering from chronic ailments, ranging from allergies to autoimmune issues? Or have infections that just won’t go away?
  • Want to know what to do?

Our bodies are constantly bombarded with high levels of environmental toxins, combined with everyday stressors can depress and distort our natural immune system!!

Learn how Asian Medicine views the mechanism of the immune system, and empower yourself with knowledge and tools to help support your body’s defenses!


  • Is your body yelling at you with pain? Is the pain preventing you from living your optimal daily life?
  • Are you ignoring this pain? Taking medications to numb it?
  • Pain can be your friend!  It is the body’s way of telling you that things are not balanced! So, let’s get to work!

There’s a classic Chinese saying: “If there is free flow, there is no pain; If there is no free flow, there is pain.” Generally, taking medications only serve short term relief, but are creating long term damage!!

Let’s learn about pain through the lens of Asian/Chinese Medicine and how we can reduce or eliminate pain and stasis through natural health-care solutions!


Want to feel empowered at home for those easy-to-fix (and some not so easy-to-fix) kid concerns? Work with what you’ve got without all the noxious chemicals in the OTC stuff!! This course will show you how to use what’s in your kitchen and around your house to help create your own natural, kid-focused health-care solutions.


Emotions are a tool and guidance system!! We need a full spectrum of emotions, even the “negative” ones, to help us navigate through our everyday sensory world! Let’s explore how Asian/Chinese Medicine views emotions and how we can effectively work towards maintaining emotional balance in this crazy, and not-so-balanced world!!


  • Metabolic Issues
  • Hypertension, Diabetes, and/or High Cholesterol
  • Thyroid and Adrenal Support
  • Cardiovascular Support
  • Sleep Support
  • Neurological Support

Let’s schedule a 15 minute consult