Own Your Path to Wellness!
Harness the Healing Power of Nature with Confidence
The 30 Oils in 30 Days Course, guides self-sovereign people to easily build their customized Home Healers Toolkit, without Western Medicine side effects, harnessing the combined strength of Essential Oils & Chinese Medicine Wisdom.

💥Patient Win!! She’s Breathing FREE for the first time, after 35 Years of Chronic Allergies!!
When I first received this message from my new patient, a smile crept across my face, my heart felt all kinds of sweet, and I did a little happy dance of excitement.

🤧💦 She used to dread the beauty-full Spring! People felt sorry for her, because her eyes were so swollen, red, and weepy and she sounded so congested, always having to blow her nose, or sniffle the snot…!!
All her life, she painstakingly watched, as her friends and family were able to enjoy the changing seasons! She couldn’t enjoy the aromatic flowers and the budding blooms, because she couldn’t experience anything through her watery, itchy eyes, and stuffy nose!!
Obviously the synthetics, OTCs, and prescriptions weren’t working, as it was 35 years of chronic nuisance, and not getting to the root of the problem.
She didn’t want to be in that level of pain and irritation anymore!
The truth is, she knew she wanted different. But she didn’t know she could BE different!
and….she didn’t know it was already inside of her, she just needed some help!!

She was seeing me for shoulder pain, but also came in with some big sinus headache, as Spring was fast approaching….
I told her I could help, with MUCH more than the shoulder pain!
Because her shoulder transformed in only a few visits, from years of constant and chronic pain to barely experiencing any pain, she was ready for me to help these other things too!
🔥BOOM! Her headache was gone within 5 minutes.
Working together, she realized she didn’t have to suffer!
Working together, she realized allergies (among the rest of her imbalances), weren’t normal.
Allergies are common, but not normal.
It’s been YEARS since she’s had allergies the way she used to!
She finally feels confident and empowered in how she’s been building her customized home healers toolkit!
She now looks forward to experiencing the beauty of Spring, smelling those flowers, and enjoying her outings with friends and family! And if and when there are imbalances and symptoms that pop up, she knows how to navigate them using the tools she has at home!
🙏🏽 Gratefully, I helped and was witness to her transformation.
Humbly, over the last 20+ years, I have helped and been witness to thousands of transformations like my patient’s.
My clients, like her, have gone from total newbies, who were looping and overwhelmed with the medical merry-go-round, to standing on their own two feet!
They went from feeling confused and overwhelmed by the plethora of natural solutions that are available, to feeling more anchored in their wellness direction!
The truth is, you already have powerful built-in healing mechanisms.
Transform self-limitation to self-authority

💦✨ As I began incorporating these little brown bottles of liquid treasure, into my personal and professional world, I felt both a familiarity and ease, while also simultaneously, a fumbling about, of sorts.
Turns out The Chinese Medicine Herbal wisdom I’ve studied and practiced for 10 years, came in handy immediately. I found I could assimilate the properties and functions of the herbs and translate them similarly into the essential oil world, but was still a novice in the eo world!
I began using the oils on Acupuncture points and areas of the body, along with the flow and energy of targeted meridians and organ systems.
By mixing the magic of essential oils and Chinese Medicine wisdom, I deepened my relationship with this potent plant medicine and learned (and am still learning) how to harness the depths of it’s power.
As I became more familiar, I began helping others to do the same….and haven’t stopped since.

I’ve guided and witnessed, as more people became empowered, as the self-sovereign home healers they already are, and were born to be.
🎠🎪🦘 My patients began leaping off of the medical merry-go-round, by applying my user friendly, customized natural healing strategies, that I was teaching.
As a result, I decided to put the 12+ years of experiential strategies, ancient wisdom, and modern experience into this course!
? Questions ?
C’mon, aren’t essential oils just for making things smell good??
Yes! Aromatic is definitely ONE therapeutic way to use them, but there are a few others!
The reality is that by JUST inhaling a high quality, therapeutic essential oil, you’ll elicit a chemical healing response in the body! So, while essential oils can smell amazing, it’s way beyond ‘smelling good!’
You can learn how to easily use them as a powerful health ally, and an integral part of your customized home healers toolkit!
I Want to See If I can Come Off Some Medications, but I feel Scared and Overwhelmed!
You’re feeling scared, and that’s valid! There are likely concepts and ideas you haven’t experienced before! I can relate!
At one point, it was my first time experiencing this world too!
Everyone is bio-individual, so the path is unique, but everyone will find their groove when they are open and following curiosities!
I believe there’s a time and place for western medicine, and support integrative therapies. I helped pioneer and build out the first Acupuncture position in the Integrative Dept. at Mission Hospital! I worked with such amazing, caring, and empathetic people in the western system and we used essential oils in the hospital too!
There are many hospitals turning to essential oils for therapeutic benefits!
I appreciate western medicine for certain triage, life saving support, emergency medicine, some diagnostics, and pulling people out of proverbial holes.
I’m grateful for the people who care for my dad in the nursing home, despite the fact that he’s in there. I’m respectful and grateful for the care my patients’ babies got, when needing life saving support.
But for true health care, the system doesn’t shine, in fact… it falls short. The OG medicine shines and thrives!
I help people bridge the gap and learn how to get comfy in the nitty gritty, while navigating an empowered health relationship. I help people learn to feel confident in their home healing skills, while redefining their relationship to their medications and the medical system.
I'm Not Into this Woo Woo Natural Wellness Stuff? Is this for Me?
The therapeutic oils can benefit anyone and everyone on some level (as long as they are used safely) without any ‘Woo-woo!’ Actually, there’s many scientific studies to back up the therapeutic use of essential oils, as well as many hospitals using them too!
You can be a total newbie, not knowing anything about anything…and this course will guide you every step of the way! The truth is, you might be scared to try something new and different! But you’re intrigued, just the same!
You’ll likely be exposed to different concepts and ideas that seem weird or ‘woo-woo’ but I encourage you to gather information with an open willingness! The benefits of essential oils and the life changing effects can outweigh any fear people might have…
Here’s another wonderful testimonial, of a life well affected by the power of working with me using the oils and Chinese Medicine Wisdom

She wasted time, energy, and money revolving at the doctors, and decided to choose essential oils and Chinese Medicine to help feel better and get off medications!
It’s a good thing that I have just the right tools to help support the weight loss-she wants to achieve (which is really inflammation loss, in my world), as well as reducing or eliminating that last medication!
Now, she doesn’t spend time, energy, or money at the doctors, unless it’s an emergency-and even then, what she used to call an emergency, isn’t one anymore!!
She, like the thousands of others I’ve worked with, feels more confident and empowered in her home healing skills!
They are choosing to embody their true health and their health is reflecting that back!
It’s truly a priceless place to be!!
🪙🥇True health is the most valuable commodity.